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来源:猪译馆 2021-01-04 13:47:10| 查看:




  Antibiotics Use Versus Profitability on Sow Farms in the Netherlands-Part 2




  Panel data analysis


  The first step was to analyse the trend of antibiotics use in the Netherlands in the past years.NDD was approximated with a linear regression function to test for structural changes before and after 2008.Subsequently,both fixed effects and random effects models were estimated.In essence,functions of different variables measuring performance were estimated.We were able to examine whether the antibiotics use affects any of the variables indicating farm performance.The models were defined as follows(Verbeek,2012):

  其中,yit是农场i在时间t的经济因变量,β0是所有观察中所有对象的截距项,x'it是农场i在时间t的独立变量的向量(包括抗生素使用),β是描述x'it和yit之间的关系的系数向量,而和εit是观测比残差项。假设这些剩余项遵循一个正态分布,其平均值为0,且标准差为常数2,即σε2。在固定效应模型的情况下,αi是一个特定项的截距。在随机效应模型的情况下,αi被假设是一个特定项的残差,遵循一个标准偏差为σα2的分布(通常是正态分布)。随机效应模型假设在模型中残差(包括αi和εit)和所有自变量之间都没有相关性。在考虑所有其他协变量的情况下,通过观察抗生素使用系数的显著性来探讨抗生素使用与农场主收入之间的关系。本研究采用的显著性水平为0.05。此外,系数的标准误差是聚集在农场ID上的,使其对同一农场重复测量引起的异方差和自相关具有鲁棒性,降低了第二类误差发生的概率(Petersen,2009)。因此,由于公司效应,采用聚类标准误差来调整独立恒等分布的IID(0,σε2)的标准差(Abadie et al.,2017)。随机效应模型优于固定效应模型,因为随机效应模型假设这些农场是从分布更广的荷兰母猪场中抽取的。然而,因为特定项的残差(αi)以及模型中的任何自变量之间存在相关性(造成内生性和有偏差的估计),并非总能使用随机效应模型。在这些情况下,本文使用了固定效果规范。Hausman检验可以用来确定是使用随机效应模型还是固定效应模型(Verbeek,2012)。零假设表明,固定和随机效应模型的系数估计是一致的,尽管随机效应模型的估计更有效。然而,在Hausman检验中,无法比较系数标准误差聚集的模型。因此,Hausman检验是在没有聚类标准误差的情况下进行的。Sargan-Hansen过度识别测试(以XTOVERID命令在Stata中使用(Schaffer and Stillman,2016))中允许聚类标准错误。因此,除了Hausman检验外,我们还使用了Sargan-Hanssen检验。

  where yit is the dependent economic variable of farm i at time t,β0 is the common intercept term for all subjects over all observations,xit'is the vector of independent variables(including antibiotics use)of farm i at time t,βis the vector of coefficients describing the relationship between X'it and yit andεit is the observation specific residual term.These residual terms are assumed to follow a normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a constant standard deviation ofσε2.In the case of a fixed effect model,αi is a subject-specific intercept.In the case of a random effects model,it is assumed thatαi is a subject-specific residual that follows a(usually normal)distribution with a standard deviationσα2.The random effects model assumes that there is no correlation between the residuals(bothαi andεit)and all independent variables in the model.The relation between antibiotics use and the farmer income,given all other covariates,was explored by looking at the significance of the coefficient of the antibiotics use.This study used a significance level of 0.05.In addition,the standard errors of the coefficients are clustered around the farm ID,making them robust for heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation caused by repeated measures on the same farm(the firm effect)and reducing the probability of a type II error(Petersen,2009).Therefore,clustered standard errors were used to adjust the standard errors for deviations from an independent and identically distribution IID(0,σε2)due to the firm effect(Abadie et al.,2017).The random effects model was preferred over the fixed effects model as it was assumed that these farms are drawn from a larger distribution of Dutch sow farms.However,it may not always be possible due to a correlation between the subject-specific residual(αi)and any of the independent variables in the model(causing endogeneity and biased estimates).In these cases,this paper used a fixed effects specification.The Hausman test can be used to determine whether to use a random or a fixed effects model(Verbeek,2012).The null hypothesis stated that the coefficient estimates are consistent for both the fixed and the random effects model,although the random effects model is more efficient in its estimates.However,models with clustered standard errors of coefficients cannot be compared in the Hausman test.As a result,the Hausman test was done without clustered standard errors.The Sargan-Hansen overidentification test(implemented in Stata as XTOVERID(Schaffer and Stillman,2016))allows clustered standard errors.Therefore,the Sargan-Hanssen test is used in addition to the Hausman test.

  分析表明,数据似乎不坚持Hausman检验的渐近性质。这可能是由于残差之间仍然存在自相关,因为Hausman检验不支持具有聚类标准误差的模型。在所提出的模型中,这种自相关在聚类标准误差中得到了修正,如前所述。Wooldridge(2001)指出“由此产生的测试其渐近水平可能大于或小于标称的大小”。在这种情况下,就需要Hausman检验中的sigmamore功能。这确保了Hausman检验符合所需的渐近性质。Sargan-Hansen过度识别测试是在测试结果不一致的情况下使用的,因为sigmamore是一个有点特别的临时解决方案。使用Stata 14(StataCorp,2015)建立并测试了这些模型。

  The analysis showed that the data did not seem to adhere to the asymptotic properties of the Hausman test.This may be attributed to the fact that there is still autocorrelation between residuals,which is possible due to the Hausman test not supporting models with clustered standard errors.In the presented models,this autocorrelation was corrected for in the clustered standard errors,as indicated above.Wooldridge(2001)states that“the resulting test could have an asymptotic size larger or smaller than the nominal size.”In this case,the sigmamore option of the Hausman test was needed.This ensures that the Hausman test adheres to the needed asymptotic properties.The Sargan-Hansen overidentification test was chosen in case the results of the tests were in disagreement as the sigmamore is a somewhat ad hoc solution.These models were built and tested using Stata 14(StataCorp,2015).



  Behavioural factors attributing to antibiotics use


  In order to explore the behavioural factors that explain the decision to decrease the antibiotics use,constructs related to the Theory of Planned Behaviour(TPB)are used(Ajzen,1991).The theory states that the intention of an individual to perform a certain behaviour–for example to use less antibiotics for sows–is influenced by his or her attitude towards the behaviour,the opinion of important others(social norm)about the behaviour and the individual’s perception of the control he or she has over the behaviour(perceived behavioural control)(Ajzen,1991).Attitude can be explained by behavioural beliefs and evaluation of the outcome.Behavioural beliefs are the believed consequences of the proposed action(e.g.attempting to limit antibiotics use will result into lower economic performance),and the evaluation of outcome is the value that individuals place on an outcome social norms can be linked to the normative beliefs and the motivation to comply.Normative beliefs can be defined as“the likelihood that important referent individuals or groups approve or disapprove performing a given behaviour”,and motivation to comply can be referred to as the tendency to follow a normative belief,dependent on the person who represents the belief(i.e.what is the influence of the veterinarian on your decision to limit antibiotics use?).Perceived behavioural control(PBC)can be defined as the confidence an individual has in his or her skills to perform the behaviour.It can be divided in PBC-capability and PBC-controllability,and is linked to control beliefs,which can be defined as the believed“presence or absence of requisite resources and opportunities”(Ajzen,1991).

  除了与计划行为理论相关的构念外,还包括与感知风险、不确定性和相对风险知觉(环境知觉)相关的构念。这一点很重要,因为认为风险较小的农场主可能不太愿意采取预防措施(Kunreuther et al.,2001;Ogurtsov et al.,2008)。感知的不确定性可以被描述为行为成功的感知概率(即,我不确定是否可以限制我农场的抗生素使用)。

  In addition to the TPB-related constructs,constructs related to perceived risk and uncertainty and relative risk perception(perception of the environment)are included.This is important because farmers who perceive less risks are probably less willing to adopt preventive measures(Kunreuther et al.,2001;Ogurtsov et al.,2008).Perceived uncertainty can be described as the perceived probability to succeed in the behaviour(i.e.I am uncertain whether I can limit my antibiotics use).

  概念变量(构念)是由FADN后续调查中单独的项目(问题)组合而成的,因为这些概念变量很难直接测量。单独的项目大多是按7分制来衡量的,其中,1是最否定的答案(如完全不同意,非常不可能),7是最肯定的答案(如完全同意,非常可能)。用否定词的条目被反编码。接下来,通过Cronbach’s alpha(Tavakol和Dennick(2011)所阐述的方法)检验将被组合成一个概念变量(构念)的单独条目的内部一致性。Tavakol和Dennick(2011)指出,这些值应该在0.70到0.95之间。达到满意的结果后,对这些项目的所有测量取平均值,以获得一个单一概念结构的值。

  The concept variables(constructs)are created by combining separate items(questions)of the FADN follow-up survey as these concept variables are hard to measure directly.The separate items were mostly measured on a 7-point scale where 1 was the most negative answer(e.g.totally disagree,very unlikely),and 7 the most positive answer(e.g.totally agree,very likely).The negatively worded items are inversely recoded.Next,the internal consistency of the separate items to-be-combined into one concept variable(construct)are tested by Cronbach’s alpha(as explained by Tavakol and Dennick(2011)).Tavakol and Dennick(2011)state that these values should range from 0.70 to 0.95.After the result is deemed satisfactory,the mean is taken for all the measurements of these items to obtain a value for a single conceptual construct.


  Regression analysis is applied to explore the linkage between the concepts described in the framework.The skewed NDD data is log transformed to conform to normality.Next,the association between the average yearly use and the information gathered from the survey data are analysed.In the regression analyses intention,attitude,positive and negative behavioural beliefs,evaluation of outcome,social norm,normative beliefs,motivation to comply,perceived behaviour control,control beliefs and perceived risk and uncertainty are used as predictors.In the multivariable regression analyses,two constructs are not included in the same model if the Pearson’s correlation coefficient between them>0.50.If variables were not normally distributed,the variables were divided into tertiles,with scores ranging from 1 to 3.



  Descriptive and trend analysis


  The farm dataset consisted of maximally 620 and minimally 371 observations per variable.The mean number of years a farm in the panel was approximately 6 years(Table 1).Substantial heterogeneity was observed between farms as well as within farms(in time).


  Table 1.Descriptive statistics Dutch sow farms for time period 2004–2016.

  图2描绘了每年每头猪抗生素日剂量(NDD)的趋势和分布。2008年之前的趋势不显著(0.97 NDD,p=0.36,R2adj=0.01),而2008年之后的线性回归模型中有显著的负系数(−2.44 NDD,p<0.01,R2adj=0.15)。并且,据荷兰兽医局报告称,2009年至2016年,养猪生产中的抗生素每日使用剂量下降了57%(Stichting Diergeneesmiddelen Autoriteit,2018)。

  Fig.2 depicts the trend and the spread of the number of daily doses of antibiotics per animal per year(NDD).Trends were insignificant up to 2008(0.97 NDD,p=0.36,R2adj=0.01),while there was a significant negative coefficient in the linear regression model after 2008(−2.44 NDD,p<0.01,R2adj=0.15).Also the Dutch Veterinary medicine authority reported a 57%decline of NDD in pig production from 2009 to 2016(Stichting Diergeneesmiddelen Autoriteit,2018).


  Fig.2.Mean and 25-75%percentile interval of the number of daily doses of antibiotics(NDD)per animal year per Dutch farm from 2004-2016.



  Panel data analysis


  All five regression models included fixed effects specifications as indicated by the Sargan-Hansen overidentification test and the Hausman test(Table 2).Moreover,the within R2 tended to be higher than the between R2 or overall R2 with fixed effects models.This difference was caused by the focus of the fixed effects model on explaining within-subject variation rather than between or overall variation(Wooldridge,2001).


  Table 2.Regression models for Dutch sow farms,estimating the relation between a performance indicator and NDD while controlling for other significant factors for time period 2004-2016.


  The(clustered)standard errors and P-values are between brackets.The table also includes the number of observations and number of subjects used per model,together with the Hausman test outcome,the outcome of the Sargan-Hansen overidentification test,the chosen model,the within R2,the between R2 and the overall R2.The within R2 gives the share of within-farm variation that is explained by the model.The between R2 gives the share of variation between farms that is explained by the model.FE=fixed effects model,RE=random effects model.(1)Means it used the sigmamore option.


  The coefficients of NDD in the delivered piglets per sow,animal health costs per sow,the total costs per sow,total revenue per sow and farmer income per sow models were all not significant at a significance level of 0.10.Overall,no significant performance-increasing association of NDD(decreasing in costs or increasing in revenues,production or income)were found.


  The Wald or F-tests of all the models rejected the null hypothesis(with a significant level of 0.05)of all coefficients in the model jointly having no additional explanatory power compared to an intercept-only model.As expected,input and output confounding variables had a large influence on overall costs,revenues and income(i.e.,piglet feed per piglet,piglet price,sow feed per sow,sow feed price and labour hour per sow).Furthermore,the association between modernity of the farm and farm performance was statistically significant with respect to delivered piglets per sow and animal health costs(at a significance level of 0.01).More modern buildings were associated with less animal health costs.


  Other confounding variables were not or hardly significant in any model.These variables included for example the age of the oldest farmer present and number of sows.Re-estimating models with these insignificant variables hardly affected coefficient estimates for NDD.

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