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猪场饮用水生物安全(一)- AASV 2020

来源:猪译馆 2020-05-21 15:34:40| 查看:







猪场饮用水生物安全(一)- AASV 2020


Groundwater Biosecurity for Livestock Production and Husbandry (Part 1) – AASV 2020

前言 Forward<<


作者 Authors:

Philip C. Olsen1; Steven J. Stone2, DVM

1Water Think Tank 公司创始人

2Fairmont 兽医服务公司


前言 Forward



Misconceptions about what causes a disease and how it spreads have been very numerous. At times, so engrained in the scientific community, that to suggest anything quant air was branded as ludicrous. For instance, throughout history a prevailing idea behind disease transmission had been the miasma theory and “bad air” was thought to cause disease in areas that contained a bad stench or aura of sickness. John Snow was skeptical of this and when a cholera outbreak occurred in London in 1854, he had a chance to investigate. In his study, he was able to link the outbreak to contaminated well water. Yet, public health protection agencies continued to reject the possibility of groundwater containing pathogens until the introduction of the Ground Water Rule (GWR)1 152 years later in 2006. Today the agricultural industry may possess a similar level of hubris regarding groundwater and biosecurity.



A note of interest is in 1908 public water systems (PWS) began disinfection and treatment of drinking water. Over the next decade, thousands of cities across the United States followed suit. As they did, the number of deaths from infectious diseases declined markedly as shown in Figure 12 . This decline contributed to a sharp drop in infant and child mortality and a 29.2-year increase in life expectancy. Disinfection and treatment of public water supplies represents one of the greatest achievements in public health of the 20th century 2.




Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): History of Drinking Water Treatment, A Century of US. Water Chlorination and Treatment: One of the Ten Greatest Public Health Achievements of the 20th Century. https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/drinking/history.html/



Primary and secondary disinfection<<



During this period technologies, engineering design standards, and performance validation/verification protocols became well established to ensure water entering a drinking water distribution system is microbiologically safe, this practice is referred to as Primary Disinfection and addressed within this paper (Part 1). Secondary disinfection ensures water remains absent of pathogens as it travels through a water distribution system and will be addressed within a subsequent paper (Part 2).


病毒 Enteric viruses<<



Over 100 types of pathogenic viruses are excreted in human and animal wastes. These viruses can be transported in the environment through groundwater aquifers. Collectively known as enteric viruses, are transmitted via the fecal-oral route and primarily infect and replicate in the gastrointestinal tract of the host. Such are shed in extremely high numbers in the feces of infected individuals, typically between 105 and 1011 virus particles per gram of stool.4 


Enteric viruses can be transmitted by food, water, fomites, and human contact. In addition to causing acute diseases, they are of public health concern due to their low infectious dose. For example, the probability of infection from exposure to one rotavirus is 31%, and no more than 1 plaque-forming unit (PFU) is required to cause infection in 1% of healthy adults. The risk of infection when consuming viruses in drinking water is 10- to 10,000-fold greater than that for pathogenic bacteria at similar exposures. Because of the potential for contamination from a variety of sources, enteric viruses in water are of particular concern. Since the 1980s, with significant advancements in the area of environmental virology, enteric viruses have been recognized as the causative agent in many nonbacterial gastroenteritis cases and outbreaks.4  


Two of the most studied groups of enteric viruses as potential water quality indicators are the enteroviruses and adenoviruses. While the occurrence of human enteric viruses in the environment and their role in waterborne transmission have been studied extensively, little information is available on environmental transmission of enteric viruses in animals. Although, while 70% (62 serotypes) of nonpolio virus enteroviruses have been associated with human infections, 30% have been associated with animal infections. Animal-specific enterovirus infections in hosts such as cattle and pigs are often asymptomatic but may cause diseases ranging from diarrhea to reproductive failure and neurological disorders. Two bovine enteroviruses (BEV), three porcine enteroviruses (PEV), 11 porcine teschoviruses (PTV) (10 were formerly classified as porcine enteroviruses), and 1 ovine enterovirus have been identiied.


While most studies are specific to pathogens infectious to human vs. swine populations. The question of address in this paper is related to the survivability and transport of virus in general. Though, PEV have a prevalence of 65% in pigs and wild hogs. PEV and PTV have been identified as the etiologic agents of the neurological disorder known as Teschen-Talfan disease, polioencephalomyelitis, vesicular diseases, myocarditis, pneumonia, diarrhea, fertility disorders, and dermal lesions in swine. Five porcine adenoviruses (PAdV), five bovine adenoviruses (BAdV), and six ovine adenoviruses have been classified under the genus Mast adenovirus. PAdV also has been isolated from pigs with encephalitis and pneumoenteritis.4


Presence of enteric viruses in groundwater<<



A plethora of peer-reviewed research conducted in advance of 2006 served to validate groundwater as a significant vehicle for disease transmission and subsequently served as the foundation from which the GWR was formulated and included within the US Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA).The GWR now represents an enforceable standard to protect the health of individuals connected to PWS’s. 


Although, the presence of pathogens in groundwater still accounts for more than 50% of disease outbreaks related to public drinking water supplies within the United States6 and the CDC estimates up to 33 million cases of acute gastroenteritis illnesses occur each year due to the presence of pathogens within US PWS’s. The following studies (by reference) provide further validation for the presence of infectious virus within groundwater aquifers.7-22


Virus entry, travel and spatial dispersion in aquifers<<



Due to their size (Table 1) relative to the interstitial (void) space(s) within soils and unconsolidated sedimentary layers they pass through (Table 2 & Figure 2) virus are easily transported through soils and throughout aquifers. Several researchers have reported viruses primarily travel through preferential pathways. To help emphasize how efficiently pathogens within surface water sources may be transported into aquifers, it is estimated that up to 96% of water is transported through only 0.32% of the soil volume via preferential pathways.52  Pathways of preferential low can develop due to structures present in surface and subsurface soils and geologic structure(s)23 and serve to carry water and contaminants to depths very rapidly, resulting in greater impact on water quality than previously expected.23


Table 1: Size of virus


Source: Britannica


Table 2: Size of hydraulic pathways within soils and aquafers


Source: US Bureau of Soils 


Figure 2: Comparative size of pathogens and hydraulic pathways

这些水通道可减少微粒(病毒)与土壤之间发生的潜在相互作用,这些相互作用与下列机制有关:A.) 吸附、B.) 布朗运动、C.) 离子交换、D.) 沉积、E.) 尺寸排阻F.) 表面电荷(+/-)E.) 范德瓦尔斯力。

Such hydraulic pathways serve to reduce potential interactions from occurring between particulates (virus) and soils related to the following mechanisms: A.) Adsorption, B.) Brownian motion, C.) Ion exchange, D.) Sedimentation, E.) Size exclusion, F.) Surface charge (+/-), and E.) Van Der Waals (forces). 

由于流体力学的原因,优先路径也会阻止颗粒(病毒)从液体流动的通道中流出,而其他力则会导致水的析出。这些力量包括:A.) 渗透压(高浓溶液);作用——析水量取决于地下水离子浓度与被输送的水(通常是地表水)之间的差异。当水被析出时,微粒和病毒并没有析出,导致它们在这些途径中剩余的水内的浓度增加。由于地下水的导电性(离子强度)通常与高浓度的钙、镁、硫酸盐和氯化物有关,所以对这种现象的敏感性通常与这些离子的高浓度有关。B.) 毛细力;作用——地下土壤颗粒间(和颗粒内部)的间隙越小,在颗粒内部吸引和保留液体的力就越大。这将影响水迁移到微粒和病毒不能到达的地方。反过来,这也有助于优先途径脱水和病毒集中。此外,诸如微生物(病毒)之类的微粒是以胶质的形态转移的52。因此,它们不会沉淀,也不能通过上述机制从水中去除,这就促使它们能转移到蓄水层并在整个蓄水层内迁移。

Due to the mechanics of fluid dynamics, preferential pathways also prevent particles (virus) from exiting channels of liquid flowage while other forces cause the extraction of water. These forces include: A.) Osmotic pressure (Low → High concentrate solutions); Effect –the amount of water extracted is dictated upon the difference in ionic concentration of groundwater verses the water being transported (typically surface water). As water is extracted, particulates and virus are not, causing their concentration within the remaining volume of water within such pathways to increase. Because ground water conductivity (ionic strength) is typically associated with higher concentrations of calcium, magnesium, sulfates and chlorides, susceptibility to this phenomenon is typically associated with higher concentrations of these ions. B.) Capillary Force; Effect – the smaller the interstitial spaces between (and within) granules of subsurface soils, the greater the force becomes to attract and retain fluids within them. his will affect water to migrate into areas where particulates and virus cannot. In turn, this also serves to dewater preferential pathways and concentrate virus. In addition, particulates such as microorganisms (virus) are transported as colloids.52  Accordingly, they will not settle and cannot be removed from water by the mechanisms described above and facilitates their transport to (and throughout) drinking water aquafers.

这些现象将在下面的参考文献中进一步描述1024-29。有研究报告证明病毒可能在几周内从污染源转移到220 ~ 300米深的市政井21,而在裂隙基岩中的转移仅需几个小时30

These phenomena are further described within the following references. 1024-29   Studies report virus may be transported from a contaminant source to municipal wells that were 220 to 300 meters deep within a matter of weeks21 and on the order of hours in fractured bedrock.30 


Penetration of pathogenic viruses through soils and geological strata into aquifers seems much more likely than for pathogenic bacteria and protozoa31 and survive for extended periods of time9,32  and transported over long distances.33 In addition to what is described above, Table 3 provides a selection of factors that influence virus entry and travel within groundwater aquifers. 


Table 3: Factors that influence virus entry and travel throughout an aquifer


An additional note of interest is due to their unique genetic signatures, coupled with our current ability of detecting them in trace quantities, epidemiologists are now considering the use of clinical data as a means of tracing plumes of viral pathogens in aquifers over time (≤ 3 years). Such data sets produce virus “snapshots” of infected populations. Wherein, when correlated with the presence of viral pathogens, as measured within localized groundwater sources, serve as a marker for tracking virus and groundwater movement.34   


The presence of viral genomes in groundwater demonstrate travel times in aquifers of two to three years.35  A conservative estimate for virus survival in groundwater is three years, whereas32  a reasonable estimate is one to two years.9 Figure 3 provides an overview of factors influencing virus survival. 


Figure 3: An overview of factors influencing virus survival


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