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来源:猪译馆 2020-03-17 13:53:06| 查看:



前言 Foreword



编者的话 Editor's Note



15. 母猪的疾病及治疗



15.1 健康母猪

A Healthy Sow


1. 食欲良好。

Has a sound appetite

2. 没有恶露。

Has no signs of flux.

3. 乳腺无硬块或发红。

Has mammary glands that are not hard or red.

4. 体温正常。

Has a normal temperature.

5. 无障碍的起立和躺卧

Gets up and lies down without problems

6. 泌乳充足。

Produces enough milk.

7. 尿液清亮或微黄

Urinates clear or light yellow urine.



Examine the sows daily, particularly the first 4 days after farrowing.


15.2 一天内至少一次,在母猪采食25-35分钟后对其进行彻底的检查。存在以下情况说明母猪 可能生病了

Observe The Sow Thoroughly At Least Once A Day 25-35 Minutes After Feeding. It May Be Sick If


1. 母猪不站立

It does not get up.

2. 俯卧

It is lying stern ally.

3. 没有吃完所有饲料

It has not eaten all the food provided.

4. 四条腿不能平稳站立

It fails to support evenly on all four legs.

5. 仔猪烦躁不安

The piglets are agitated

6. 仔猪不生长

The piglets do not grow.

7. 仔猪腹泻。

The piglets suffer from diarrhoea


15.3 补充说明-母猪的疾病及治疗

Additional Comments - Disease And Treatment Of Sows



It is important to check daily that the sow is healthy or whether it needs treatment of some kind. Farrowing puts a great strain on the sow; the most common disorder post-farrowing is M.M.A., which is triggered by infection in the uterus or the udder.


1. 母猪应该在喂料25分钟后采食完毕。如果母猪未 吃完,检查水的供应情况。参见1-产房和产床的准备。如果母猪失重,这说明母猪产奶消耗的能 量比从饲料中获得的多。检查喂料器的调整情况和饲料组成。如果饲料等设定有误,与营养顾问联系。食欲不振可能是便秘的一种迹象。

The sow should have eaten up 25 minutes after feeding. If the sow does not eat up, check the water supply. See 1 - Preparing the farrowing facility and farrowing pens. If the sow loses weight, it is excreting more energy with the milk than it is getting from the feed. Check the adjustment of the feed box and the composition of the feed. Contact your feed advisor if the settings are not correct. Lack of appetite may be an indication of constipation.


2. 恶露通常在母猪臀部、尾部或在地板上可见。恶露是子宫或阴道感染的一种迹象。然而,注意产后48小时内出现深褐色、白色或清亮的(无 脓)恶露是正常的。必须根据兽医的指示进行治疗

Flux is often seen on the rear part and tail of the sow or on the floor. Flux is an indication of infection in the uterus or vagina. However, note that brownish, white or clear flux (without pus) is normal for the first 48 hours. Treatment must take place according to the instructions from the herd vet.


3. 乳房有硬块,乳房红肿或是乳房上有斑点都是乳房炎初期的迹象。按照兽医的建议进行治疗。利用止痛药协助乳房炎的治疗。如果所有乳腺都坚硬,这可能是由乳房组织中的积液所引起的水肿。抗生素对水肿不起作用,但是止痛药可以帮助母猪。止痛药能减轻母猪的痛苦并增加其哺育仔猪的机会。

Hard mammary glands, reddish udder or spots on the udder indicate incipient mastitis. Treat infections according to instructions from the vet. Treatment for mastitis should be supplemented with pain relief. If all mammary glands are equally hard, the problem is probably oedemas caused by accumulation of fluid in the udder tissue. Antibiotics will have no effect whereas pain relief may help the sow. Pain relief increases the well-being of the sow and increases the chances of it letting the piglets nurse.


4. 如果母猪在分娩当天体温高于40℃,且在接下来 的几天内,体温持续高于39.5℃,则说明母猪发烧了,应该根据兽医的建议进行治疗,包括止痛 治疗。同时很有必要弄清楚母猪发烧的原因。 用抗生素进行治疗的弊端是,抗生素会随着乳汁排出,随后会破坏仔猪肠道中的菌群平衡。这也增加了仔猪腹泻的几率。

If the sow’s temperature is above 40°C on the day of farrowing and above 39.5 °C the remaining days, it has a fever and should be treated according to the vet’s instructions. Treatment should include pain relief. It is essential to establish the cause of the fever. The drawback of treating with antibiotics is that antibiotics are excreted with the sow milk and will thereby ruin the bacteria balance in the piglets’ intestines. This increases the risk of diarrhoea among the piglets.


5. 如果母猪不能站立,帮助母猪站立并检查它是否能利用四肢平稳站立。检查母猪的腿伤和蹄伤,并根据兽医的建议来治疗,包括止痛药治疗

If the sow does not get up, help the sow to get up and check if it supports evenly on all four legs. Examine the sow for leg and hoof injuries, and treat according to the vet’s instructions including pain relief.


Inspect pen conditions. Does the crate need adjustment, is the floor slippery?

不正常的站姿和痛感:如果是腿部受伤,可以通过以下措施来减轻母猪的疼痛—在地板上铺一层橡胶垫,将母猪转到垫料厚实的产房中或者转至 病猪栏中。如果母猪腿肿或母猪不能四肢支撑站立,应区别骨折(淘汰),扭伤(止痛药止痛)和感染(抗生素治疗,止痛药止痛)

Incorrect leg position and tenderness: Relieve a sow with leg injuries by placing a rubber mat on the floor, moving the sow to a farrowing pen with deep litter or to a hospital pen. In case of swellings or if the sow does not support on all four legs, distinguish between fractures (destruction), sprains (pain relief and relief) and infection (antibiotic treatment, pain relief and relief).


6. 如果仔猪烦躁不安或生长不良,可能预示着母猪 泌乳量不足

If the piglets are agitated or do not thrive, it may be an indication that the sow does not produce enough milk


7. 如果母猪饮水过少,尿液颜色会变深。早晨对母猪的尿液进行比较。母猪没有排尿,说明它们喝水少,需要对它们额外注意。正常情况下,尿液中是不应该有血、脓等杂质的。地板上经常会发现随尿液排出的一小块一小块的脓或杂质,预示着尿道的感染。检查母猪的供水情况—1-产房和 产床的准备

If a sow drinks too little, the urine turns dark. Compare urine from the sows when they get up in the morning. Note that sows that do not urinate are the sows that drink the least, and they need extra attention. Urine must not contain blood, pus or other impurities. Pus or impurities are often found on the pen floor in small lumps as they have been excreted with the urine. Impurities in the urine indicate infections in the urinary tract. Check the sow’s water supply - 1 - Preparing the farrowing facility and farrowing pens.

16. 仔猪的疾病及治疗




每天对仔猪进行检查很重要,尤其是分娩后一周内 的仔猪,因为及时的措施可能会挽救仔猪生命。

It Is Important To Inspect The Piglets Daily And This Is Particularly Important In The First Week After Farrowing, As Immediate Intervention Will Save Lives.


16.1 健康仔猪

A Healthy Piglet


1. 仔猪健壮,皮毛顺滑,毛色光亮。

Is round and has a smooth and shining coat of hair.

2. 粪便正常。

Has normal faeces.

3. 正常的抬头和竖耳。

Holds its head and ears normally

4. 呼吸正常。

Has untroubled breathing.

5. 不瘸。

Is not lame.

6. 正常地躺在保温区。

Lies normally in the creep area.

7. 泌乳开始时主动靠近乳头。

Comes to the teat when lactation is initiated.



16.2 如有以下情况,说明仔猪可能生病了

Piglets May Be Sick If


1. 不靠近乳房。

They do not come to the udder.

2. 远离同窝仔猪 

They isolate themselves from their litter mates.

3. 毛直立

They have spiky fur.

4. 歪着头走路。

They walk with their head tilted.

5. 耷拉着耳朵。

Their ears point backwards.

6. 跛行。

They are lame.

7. 发现腹泻。

Diarrhoea is observed in the pen or on the piglets.



16.3 补充说明-仔猪的疾病及治疗

Additional Comments - Disease And Treatment Of Piglets



During the daily supervision of the piglets, it is important to assess whether to treat or destroy a sick pig. If a pig is still sick after the recommended treatment, re-assess whether further treatment is likely to cure the piglet. If not, destroy the piglet. Piglets suffering from paralysis or a broken leg should be killed immediately. Sick piglets need a warm environment and easy access to water.


1. 毛直立或皮肤很油的仔猪是病猪,并且可能会由于饥饿变得虚弱。如果是生病,则需及时治疗。苍白的仔猪可能是缺铁或生病。检查补充铁制剂的方案是否满足所有仔猪对于铁的需要。参见 17-补铁,去势,断尾和磨牙。

A piglet with spiky hair or greasy skin is sick and it may be weakened by hunger. Treat the piglet if it is sick. A pale piglet may be deficient in iron or be sick. Check the strategy for supplying iron is the need of all piglets covered? See 17 - Iron, castration, tail docking and tooth grinding.


2. 如果在舍内发现腹泻,检查是一只还是整窝仔猪都生病了。如果所有仔猪都生病了,可能是由于母猪泌乳不足或舍内温度太低。由于腹泻传染性很高,不要移动生病仔猪,也不要从腹泻严重的产床直接进入另一产床。腹泻的仔猪需要迅速地大量补液,因此要保证充足的供水和一些电解质溶液参见23-仔猪的饲喂。根据兽医的建议进行治疗

If you observe diarrhoea in a pen, check if only one piglet is sick or the entire litter is affected. If all piglets are sick, the sow may not provide enough milk or the temperature of their environment may be too low. Do not move sick piglets and do not walk directly from one pen with diarrhoea into other pens as diarrhoea is highly contagious. Piglets suffering from diarrhoea need a lot of fluid quickly; provide extra water and possibly an electrolyte solution. See 23 - Feeding of piglets. Treat the piglets according to the instructions of the herd vet.


3. 如果仔猪耷拉着头,那么它可能患有脑脊髓膜炎 或中耳炎。这些感染都可以用抗生素进行治疗,如果有必要还可使用止痛药。如果耳朵肿了,可能是由静脉破裂引起的耳血肿,这种情况无法治疗

If a piglet hangs its head, it probably suffers from cerebrospinal meningitis or otitis media. Both infections can be treated with antibiotics and, if necessary, pain relief. A swollen ear may be an ear haematoma, which is caused by a burst vein and cannot be treated.


4. 呼吸平稳,无困难并且无杂音

A normal breathing is calm, untroubled and has no murmurs.


5. 如果仔猪是瘸的,可能是患有关节炎、蹄脓肿或是被踩压的。根据猪场兽医的建议来治疗关节炎和蹄脓肿。

If a piglet is lame, it may suffer from arthritis, a hoof abscess or it may have been crushed or stepped on. Arthritis and hoof abscesses are treated according to the instructions of the herd vet.


6. 如果仔猪在保温区躺卧不正常,仔猪可能是生病了。然而,也可能是由于保温区太热或太冷了。参见13-仔猪的环境。

If a piglet does not lie normally in the creep area, it may be sick. However, the creep area may also be too warm or too cold. See 13 - The environment of the piglets.


7. 在母猪泌乳的时候,如果仔猪不接近乳头,可能 是仔猪生病了,可能是乳房周围的空间不足,也 可能只是仔猪不饿。参见2-产床的功能性需要。

If a piglet does not come to the teat when the sow lactates, it may be sick or there may not be sufficient room by the udder, or the piglet may simply not be hungry. See 2 - Functional requirements to the farrowing pen.


在检查产房时,一旦仔猪生病被标记并且接受治 疗,要设置一套易于接下来对其进行治疗的识别体 系,例如,用不同颜色的记号喷雾剂来标记。不同 颜色编号或不同位置的彩线可以用来表示不同类型 的药物或疾病。在母猪卡片或产床上夹一个晾衣 夹,并且不同位置的晾衣夹意味着接下来仔猪的治 疗方案。治疗完成后移走晾衣夹。

Once a sick piglet has been located and treated during your inspection of the pens, it is important to have a system in which it is easy to identify the piglet for treatment the following day, for instance by marking it with a colour spray. Different colour codes or different places for a colour line can be used for denoting different types of medication or disorders. Put a clothes-peg on the sow card / gate of the pen, so that a certain location of a clothes-peg means.

相关阅读 猪场 产房 管理


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